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Top 4 Ways To Improve The Gym Member Experience

Need to improve the gym member experience at your club? Here's what the most successful fitness businesses are doing to deliver more value to their members.
Improve Gym Member Experience

Here are the top 4 tips to improve your gym members experience right now

  • Engage with your members
  • Personalise gym offerings
  • Make gym processes seamless
  • Take advantage of gym ‘tech’

How the most successful gyms are improving their gym members experience

You may have heard the words ‘member experience’ thrown around the fitness industry for sometime now. Why? Because as we progress into the digital age, customer expectations begin to change. This places a focus on optimising the member experience to meet new expectations in a way that helps strengthen club loyalty and increase member retention rates.

While fairly straightforward, finding effective strategies that add value to your gym members can be quite difficult and unfortunately, it’s a vital step when looking to take your fitness business to the next level. The good news is, however, that when done correctly you will not only be able to enhance the ‘member experience’ but also help drive new registrations and increase member retention rates.

So, how do you find strategies that work? Well, that’s where we come in!

After researching what makes the ‘top’ gyms in the fitness industry so successful, we have formulated four simple tips that you can implement today to increase your gym member’s customer experience.

Take a look.

Make sure to engage with your gym members

Engaging with current gym members may sound like a given but you would be surprised how many fitness businesses get it wrong. So, what does engagement look like? Well, it boils down to something really quite simple. Put plainly, it’s the ability to get gym members involved within the club and the talent to make them feel exceedingly valued.

How this looks within your business will evidently vary depending on club resources but the purpose will always remain the same… Provide a sense of empowerment to your members in a way that makes them feel immersed within their own personal fitness journey.

What does this look like? Here are a few simple strategies to increase member engagement based off the industry’s best.

  • Regularly communicate with your members by name
  • Highlight hard working members through monthly reward schemes
  • Reach out to members with social media using private groups
  • Start a fitness challenge that gets the whole gym involved
  • Celebrate individual member achievements
  • Implement staff challenges to workout with your members

Engagement activities don’t need to break the bank. In fact, as you can see, it’s typically the small things that make the biggest difference.

Engage your members and you’ll be sure to greatly improve their gym experience.

Try introducing personalised gym offerings

Can you recall the last time you had a great experience as a customer? Chances are the staff did something a little bit extra to make sure that your personal needs were attended to. The fitness industry is no different! Treating people as individuals and recognising the different goals and lifestyles that each member may have is the key to delivering the ultimate customer experience. One of the best ways to do this is through personalised gym offerings.

While this may sound costly, there are simple things you can do to provide custom resources with nothing but a little bit of time and paper. How so? Well, quite easily actually! Something as little as noting specific member requirements or aspirations can go a long way when it comes to having a meaningful conversation that makes them feel valued.

Looking for something more tangible to implement? Here are some other ideas for personalised offerings that can help improve your gym members experience:

  • Free personalised workout that is tailored according to the members goals
  • 3 Day meal plan trial that offers them personal nutrition advice for free without taking away from paid nutritional services
  • Complementary personal training session to establish a benchmark that allows trainers to better understand personal needs

Not only do these tactics do a great job of improving the customer experience, they also introduce more premium gym services in a comfortable way that can help increase gym revenue over the long-term.

improve gym member experience with technology

Take advantage of new gym technology

As the gym industry is propelled into the digital era, members are looking for more and more opportunities to take advantage of technology in a way that can help optimise their personal fitness journey. So, how do you take advantage of this upcoming trend?

Well, it can be as simple as using wearable devices and apps to help keep track of your members progress in a way that allows you to better track results and achieve greater results. Alternatively, you could invest in gym technology to better equip your fitness business for the future.

Some of the most popular ‘Gym Tech’ we have seen amongst the top gyms, include:

Chest mounted heart rate monitors to allow members to optimise their workouts
Tens machines that give access to better recovery and pain relief processes
Massage guns that help facilitate better blood flow and decrease lactic acid build-up
Smart Scales that feature the ability to measure fat mass, muscle mass, and more

While some of these options can be quite costly, over the long-term they could prove to be a vital asset. Engaging your gym members through a survey could be a great way to show you value their opinion and discover what tools they would most like to see at your club.

Keeping your gym up to date with the latest technology is a great way to provide a better experience that affords members to take advantage of everything that the fitness industry has to offer.

Integrate gym processes to make experiences seamless

This is where improving the member experience can start to get technical. Though you may not realise it, your back-end processes can greatly affect the service that you provide to those who visit your gym. Finding a way to integrate all gym processes including billing, security, and sign-on will make a significant difference in the quality of service you are able to provide to gym members. What’s the best way to do this…?

The short answer comes down to investing in high-end gym management software. The ability to manage member data and back-end processes in a simple and seamless way is perhaps the greatest asset a fitness business can have when trying to improve the gym member experience. So, whether trying to track or set-up payments, manage memberships and member communications, or schedule new class bookings – gym management systems make all the difference. Integrating all processes into a single piece of software can not only save you time, but it can also greatly improve the experience of both members and staff.

Improve your gym member’s experience with VIGYR gym management software

Chances are that you’ve heard of gym management software. In fact, if you’re a staff member or gym owner you’d be used to using it every day. The problem is that most systems ‘lack’ vital features that are quite critical when looking to provide the best member experience possible – particularly at peak times. This is why VIGYR was initially created.

As a product derived from decades worth of experience across thousands of gyms worldwide, VIGYR has been designed from a range of exclusive industry insights that allow gym owners to better optimise their gym businesses. Through VIGYR you not only gain access to the best technology available, but also a system that offers an unmatched customer experience at an absolute cost-advantage.

VIGYR has been known for its powerful performance that continues to push the boundaries of innovation. This simply means you’re getting the fastest and most flexible piece of gym management software available. So, say hello to complete process optimisation delivered through an extensive range of deluxe features and tools that have redefined just what the fitness industry is capable of.

What are you waiting for? Find out what’s driving the future of gym business around the globe! Ask us how VIGYR can improve your members experience and grow your business today!

Contact us on 1300 352 561

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