Direct Debiting Service For Gyms
Debit First was founded with the idea to create a customer-focused debiting solution for fitness businesses seeking more. So what does this mean? Well, think better prices, more control, and access to a more extensive list of business benefits.
- Why should a debit company own YOUR members data?
- Why should a debit company make huge profits from YOUR members?
- Why should you be tied into a contract to debit YOUR customers?
Debit First changes this! Undoubtedly delivering a brand new debiting experience that’s focused one one thing, helping your gym grow.

Gym Debiting Features
Save Thousands
When joining Debit First you will receive that support you need to save thousands in an instant. Finally allowing you to gain access to wholesale debiting prices, reduce excess downtime, and eliminate all double handling. So make the switch today and expect no set-up fees, no infrastructure or quarterly fees, and no extra costs for frequency changes.
VIGYR Integration
Take advantage of VIGYR’s primary partnership with Debit First to access the benefits of complete software integration. Because once you do, you can gain benefits such as automate SMS failure notifications, link billing directly to 24/7 access controls, handle the entire payment cycle in one location, access extensive auto and user defined reporting options as eliminate double handling.
Absolute Flexibility
With Debit First your provided absolute system flexibility that enables you to completely optimise your business how you best see fit. So once the switch is made you gain the ability to add credits and debits, change logs and create multiple schedule options for each member or manage auto suspensions binding to payments and Pro Rata settings in an instant.
Control Your Data
Debit First specialises in automated billing services within the fitness industry. Therefore they understand not only what a gym owner needs, but what they deserve. So take back complete control of your business and cut out the highly paid middle man and receive the ability to set the transaction fees, get anything above the default transaction costs and become in control of your company’s data.

A New Era of Direct Debit Solutions for Gyms
Experience a new era of direct debiting when you make the switch to Debit First, a world-leading company providing direct debiting and automatic billing services that are proven to help build businesses. Don’t be controlled by traditional debit companies. Instead take control of your data and take back your money. If you like the sound of that? Then Say hello to Debit First and goodbye to absurd transaction fees, unfair debiting contracts, poor business integration, and data transparency concerns.
The Only Direct Debit Company
Your Fitness Business Should Trust