Here is all you need to start building your own successful personal training business
- Get Properly Certified
- Sort Out All The Legal’s
- Build Your Business Plan
- Double Down on Marketing
Whether you’re new to the health and fitness industry or you’re a veteran looking to branch out to create a name for yourself, one thing remains the same.
The personal training industry is big. It’s exciting. And, it’s growing (Rapidly).
In fact, the employment growth of fitness trainers is projected to grow 15% by 2029, which is faster than most other occupations around the world today.
Not to mention that the fitness services industry itself is anticipated to be worth more than 50 Billion dollars across The US, UK, and Australia alone.
So, while this means that the market is booming, it also means that starting a new PT business does not come without some strong competition.
After all, surely other people have the same idea.
Start a business, create an impact, make a living.
That’s why if you’re going to start a personal training business that’s successful, you need to start off on the right foot.
So, we’re writing this blog that will outline four of the best things you can do to ensure your new PT practice is a lasting winner.
Your simple guide to starting a wildly successful PT business
Now, when researching what steps are necessary in setting up your own fitness business, it can be easy to get lost in a range of irrelevant information that adds no value.
That’s why this article is going to be kept simple. We won’t bore you with every single element in the world.
Because that’s how you get overwhelmed and that’s not helpful for anybody. Especially your potential clients.
So, here are four pillars of a successful PT Business. Topics that won’t cover everything under the sun, but will teach you what you need to hit the ground running. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day.
Get Properly Certified
No doubt you’re incredibly busy. So, here’s the most important information, first. When starting any business that can affect someone’s health and wellbeing, you need to get certified.
Not just a ‘little’ certified either. We’re talking about legitimate legal qualifications.
That means you need to get your skills and your paperwork in check. This may seem like a hassle but it’s non-negotiable.
Depending on the location of your business, you may be subject to different regulations so be sure to check what applies to you. But, generally speaking, you will undergo formal training.
Most countries will require you to obtain some sort of fitness certificate in order to actually begin operating as a personal trainer. As such, without appropriate qualifications, you may be unable to offer professional advice or work with clients.
Typically these certificates will offer a curriculum that provides practical experience in a PT, as well as external health training such as First Aid and CPR.
Before you do anything. Check your local laws and get correctly certified through a credible institution.

Sort Out All The Legal’s
It’s no secret that if you want to operate a business, it would make sense that there are legalities that will come into play. Particularly if you plan to be making a taxable income.
As such, it’s essentially to sort out all business legal’s.
Specifics may vary depending on country or state legislation so be sure to check what regulations are relevant to you and your future personal training business.
Regardless of location, the typical things you will need to do include:
- Structure your business (E.g. Sole Trader, Partnership, Company, etc.)
- Register your business or company though Government
- Register all trading names
- Sort out business insurance
- Acquire appropriate Tax Information
- Take care of business accounting (Business Accounts, GST, etc.).
- Find a place of operation (May involve contractual agreements with a gym).
Many of these steps are able to be tackled on your own with a little help from Dr. Google. Though, if unsure with anything, seek professional advice.
While legal or financial consultation can be costly, it could potentially save you thousands over the long-term if it means your business is built on sound foundations.
The point is, it’s essential to make sure you’re legally compliant. It’s a critical step when looking to start and later manage your PT business.
Build Your Business Plan
Perhaps one of the most exciting things about starting your own personal training business, is the ability to tailor every single element. This is part of the reason clients will change or “Shop Around”.
Your business, in a way, reflects your personality. What you stand for. That’s what makes it truly unique!
The problem here is that, these are just words and words don’t get you very far. Planned action, however, does. Hence the business plan.
A business plan can be as simple or as complex as you like but there are some core areas that you should really cover if you’re looking to lay out the foundations needed to turn a profit.
Topics to include are:
- Company Overview
- Branding Initiatives
- Staff Overview
- Product Portfolio
- Market Analysis
- Logistics and Operations
- Marketing Plan
Top Tip: We created a blog that explores how to write a winning business plan for Personal Training Business! It goes into depth about all the information you need to include to win over the world! You can read it for free, here!
Create A Winning Personal Trainer Business Plan (Free Guide + Examples)

Double Down on Marketing
You probably hear the word “Marketing” far too often. This can either be a good thing, or a bad thing.
Good Thing: If it’s you who’s doing the talking.
Bad Thing: If it’s someone trying to sell you the world by overpromising results.
Regardless, it is an incredibly powerful tool to learn when trying to start your own fitness business.
Well, because it acts as your main point of communication and brand exposure when in the infancy stages of your PT Practice. Nobody knows who you are. This is how you tell them, show them, and win them over.
Now, marketing can be as simple as creating Facebook accounts and messaging people. Talking to friends and getting them to share your page. Sometimes even the good old business card will work!
The problem with these avenues though, is they yield a much slower growth rate as you aren’t reaching an extended audience who might be interested. They are mostly free though… And, can help you build a small revenue stream to pay for other marketing activities.
That brings us to paid advertising. Things such Google Adwords, Search Ads, Social Media Ads (Facebook, Instagram, etc.), Influencer Marketing. The list goes on. These will cost you but they will offer a much larger reach, and likely, generate more potential leads that you can convert to paying customers.
If you’re not ready to pay for marketing efforts just yet, invest in creating a website, creating social media accounts and securing all business domain names. From there, you can write blogs, Schedule posts and create resources that can add value to members for free.
This will help build credibility and more importantly, generate leads through organic search (E.g. if you wrote a blog about weight loss and someone reads it, wants to start their fitness journey, then decides to utilise your services. It might be how you found this blog!).
Top Tip: We have also created a library of free resources that you can pass onto your members to help you stand out! We’re talking member feedback forms, weekly meal plans, workout planners, and music playlists.
You don’t need to start your new PT business alone, we’re here to help
Starting any new business can be quite daunting. Especially when you’re operating in the wildly competitive fitness industry.
That’s why finding small ways to differentiate is essential.
How do you do this?
Well, one of the most effective ways comes down to how you manage, transact, and onboard clients.
That’s where our whole team comes in!
We happen to offer free PT Software in tandem with Payment Processing Solutions to help you store client details, view financial reports, estimate revenue, and sign new clients up online.
That’s all. No extravagant sales pitch. No plea.
It’s a leading software system for free. Plus, an opportunity to partner with a leading industry partner to help manage the operations and finances of your business.
If you’d like access, fantastic! Congratulations! If not, best of luck.